At, we believe that delivering accurate, transparent, and responsible information is our duty to our readers. In an effort to maintain the highest standards of journalism, we are proud to follow the guidelines set forth by the Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA) Code of Conduct.
Our Commitment to Ethical Journalism
Ethical journalism is the cornerstone of a credible and trustworthy media platform. Our team is committed to ensuring that all content published on is:
- Accurate and Factual: We strive to provide precise and verified information on government schemes, policies, and updates, ensuring that our readers receive only reliable content.
- Balanced and Fair: We uphold a neutral standpoint, ensuring that all sides of a story are fairly represented without any bias.
- Transparent and Honest: We aim to be transparent in our editorial processes and clearly distinguish between news, opinions, and advertisements.
- Respect for Privacy: Our team follows strict privacy guidelines and ensures that the personal information of our readers is protected at all times.
DNPA Code of Conduct
The DNPA Code of Conduct is a set of ethical guidelines designed to ensure responsible reporting and uphold the integrity of digital news platforms in India. By adhering to these standards, ensures that our content:
- Upholds the Truth: We avoid any form of misinformation or disinformation and work diligently to fact-check all our news before publication.
- Maintains Editorial Independence: We operate independently and are free from external influences, ensuring unbiased and fact-based reporting.
- Respects the Rights of Individuals: We respect individuals’ rights to privacy and avoid publishing content that could cause unnecessary harm or distress.
- Provides Clear Attribution: We give proper credit to our sources and ensure transparency in our reporting process.
Why It Matters
In today’s digital age, where misinformation can easily spread, maintaining high standards of journalism is more critical than ever. By adhering to the DNPA Code of Conduct, not only safeguards the trust of our readers but also contributes to a healthier media ecosystem.
Our readers can confidently rely on us for trustworthy updates on government schemes, welfare programs, and other news of public interest. We take pride in our ethical practices and will continue to uphold the principles of responsible journalism.
Continuous Improvement
We are constantly evolving and improving our editorial processes to ensure that our content meets the highest ethical standards. We welcome feedback from our readers and remain open to suggestions for improving the quality of our journalism.
For any inquiries or feedback regarding our ethical practices and adherence to the DNPA Code of Conduct, please feel free to reach out to us at